3rd Dokdo History Essay Competition Winner- English Div. Middle School : 1st Place Yeongyu Park

I really appreciate the Grapevinetimes and KCHEFNE for awarding my essay first place. I believe it is such a great honor. The purpose of the competition was really meaningful and desirable. I would like to thank the hosts of this competition again for giving students chance to study about Dokdo Island. I hope my essay be effective in teaching people about this small island of Korea.
While working on this essay about Dokdo Island dispute, I have learned a lot of new things. It was not a simple issue at all. This essay contest gave me another chance to look back in the history more specifically than ever before, in order to identify every fact, claims and events on the dispute over Dokdo Island more precisely. Researching a welter of information on this issue between Japan and Korea, and putting it altogether organized, in a five page essay was quite challenging; however, I believe it was worth my effort and time. I am grateful that I had an opportunity to stand neutral on this conflict between Korea and Japan, not just as a patriotic Korean, and listen to both countries’ argument unbiased. Bitter emotions between Korea and Japan have not been solved yet despite their effort. I wish Korea could make a reasonable compromise with Japan in a peaceful way, and the two countries to reconcile relationship as neighboring countries as soon as possible.
English Div. Middle School :
1st Place
Yeongyu Park