3rd Annual Dokdo History Essay Awards Ceremony
3rd Annual Dokdo History Essay Awards Ceremony
Date : JUNE 20, 2015 at 4:00PM
Location: The Savings Bank Theater
located inside Wakefield Memorial High School
Address : 60 Farm St, Wakefield, MA 01880
Thank you for entering the 2015, 3rd Annual Dokdo History Essay Competition.
Everyone who entered the essay competition is invited to attend the award ceremony on June 20, 2015.
Everyone who entered the essay competition will receive a souvenir at the awards ceremony.
We hope that everyone will be able to attend the awards ceremony.
Thank you.
▶ 수상자는 시상식에서 발표됩니다.
▶ 독도 에세이 참가자 모든 분들께 독도 기념품을 시상식장에서 드릴 예정입니다.
독도 에세이 참가자 모든 분들은 시상식에 참석해 주시기 바랍니다.
독도에 많은 관심으로 역사의 한페이지를 장식해 주신 참가자 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.
Korean Culture, History, and Education Foundation of New England
The Grapevine Times
Sponsored by : Northeast Asian History Foundation